Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tigger AKA "Road Rash"

Here is stray kitty at 3.5 months. He's beautiful!

His road rash is all gone now. He's gone from a lethargic little guy to quite an active little terror! He has stolen everyone's heart-even the other cats and dogs in the house.

I can't get a picture like the one below because he doesn't sit still and he always sleeps under/behind something.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Stray Kitty

My cousin found this little kitty on the side of the highway by her work. It had been below zero the prior week and was not much warmer the week they found him. Someone had seen a little orange puff rolling down the side of the road and told the girls about it, they immediately put their boots on and went looking for him. They found this little guy and named him Road Rash. He is adorable.

A friend of mine was looking for an orange, long haired kitten so she agreed to take him. He was emaciated and dehydrated, and so lethargic there were a few times I wasn't sure if he would even live. The vet gave him subcutaneous fluids and special food and before long he was an alert, playful kitten. He has been renamed Tigger and has gained almost 2.5 lbs since just before Christmas!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Oh My!

No post since October-YIKE! I have done a fair amount of sewing and crafting, I just have a hard time getting the pictures from the camera to the computer. January is by far the busiest month of my work life, I should be working right now, not writing here. Oh well, sometimes I just need to get away from it.

The below quilt was finished in time for the fundraiser and is beautiful. Unfortunately, due to gambling laws they weren't able to auction the quilt, so I kept it. Sadly I didn't make it extra wide so it doesn't really fit over my DH and I (we are X-large) so I don't like using it on my bed. Right now it is being used as an additional cover on the couch. It looks quite nice and matches the colors perfectly. I shouldn't have used it, I could have auctioned it next summer for my fundraiser-oh well. Hopefully I will post pictures of the finished product soon.

I started another quilt in late November and was moving along quite well, then I got stalled and it is (literally) on my machine about half quilted. I love it and I can't wait to blog about it. I bought the fabric at my local quilt store-the day after Thanksgiving. I went to JoAnn's with my coupons in my fist, but I wasn't willing to wait TWO HOURS to have my fabric cut. Really, is any deal worth that? I don't think so. The women were crazy (and yes, it was all women), they had 10 or more bolts of fabric in their carts to cut-good grief! I stopped at my LQS after purchasing a ruler at Joann's (had to use at least one coupon) and the gal spent time with me helping me pick out fabrics that matched, calculating the yardage I needed and etc. It was wonderful-and 20% off! Although I'm sure I paid more per yard, I think I got the better deal! I pieced the top and back pretty quickly, but like I said, it's sitting on machine half quilted. Soon, I hope.

Sadly, my favorite quilting blogger is no longer going to blog-:( Good bye Amanda Jean! You are already missed. Luckily she is going to keep her blog up for a while, I need to download her tutorials.

Goals this year-MUCH more sewing/quilting; run a 10k in May, run/walk a half marathon in July, eat/live healthier;"fire" my 2 clients that I've had forever but I only bill a few hours a month, just not worth the effort. That's all I can think of right now-that are realistic anyhow.

Happy New Year!